Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bueller. Ferris Bueller.

If you were not aware, I am a HUGE John Hughes fan. Unfortunately, living in Ohio, I rarely get to par take in events that honor him, like this event that was held in New York City in September. The closest I could get to something realistically, would be if it was held in Chicago (which seems the obvious location) but nothing has really been held there, except for some movie marathons shortly after his passing.

While searching around the Internet tonight, I ran across a link for a new art showing at Gallery 1988: Venice which will open this coming weekend, on the 11th. 

Here is one of the the art pieces that will be at the show. It is a Ferris Bueller board game and I am in love. The artist is Max Dalton.

I am hoping that prints from some of the pieces from the show are available from Gallery 1988 online. I would totally pick something up for my house. I mean, hey, I already have this print that I bought on Etsy from Dial M for Michele, I could always find a place for a few more.

Make sure to check back on Tuesday, as I will be debuting a new weekly feature and I hope everyone has a good Monday!

Peace out *g*

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